23 C
Thursday, March 27, 2025

Dr. S.K. Prasad

S.No.Publication in vancouver referencing stylePubmed indexed yes/noScopes
1Prasad shobha kumar, comparative study on the incidence of proteinuria in cases of pulmonary tuberculosis before and after anti-tubercular therapy; PJM oct 2015; 89(10):294-297. No  
2Prasad shobha kumar, study of clycosylated Hb in cases of diabetes mellitus with microangipathy, IMJ, may 2015; 109(5):343-344. No  
3Prasad shobha kumar, comparative study between conservative treatment and carnitine in congestive heart failure following dilated cardiomyopathy, PJM; oct 2015; 89(10): 278-280. No  
4Prasad shobha kumar, study of prognostic role of plasma high sensitivity C-reactive protein in patients of heart failure with systolic dysfunction; IMJ; june 2015; 109(6):491-492. No  
5Prasad shobha kumar, study of prognostic significance of acute systolic hypertension after myocardial infarction, IMJ; may 2015; 109(5):345-346. No  
6Prasad shobha kumar, estimation of serum lipoprotein (a) in young individuals as a marker of presence of coronary artery disease, IMJ; june 2015; 109(6):445-447. No  
7Prasad shobha kumar, hepatic dysfunction in patients of diabetes mellitus presenting in the outdoor and indoor wards of Darbhanga medical college & hospital, Laheriasarai, Darbhanga,  IMJ; june 2015; 109(6):453-453-454. No  
8Prasad shobha kumar, a study on serial estimation of serum albumin level as a prognostic marker in sepsis patients at dmch, Laheriasarai, bihar; IJSR; June 2021; 10(6):35-37. No  
9Prashad shobha kumar, an observational study on role of combined pleural fluid cholesterol and total protein in differentiation of exudates and transudates; IJSR; june 2021; 10(6):38-39. No  

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Admission in PARA Medical Course in session 2024 – 25 and 2024 – 26

Students Selected in PARA Medical Course in session 2024 - 25 and 2024 - 26 needs to submit the original documents

Doctors Duty timing according to Health Department

Doctors Duty timing according to Health Department

1st Internal Assessment Test Batch 2020

1st Internal Assessment Test Batch 2020

All India Quota PG Document List for students taking admission in session 2024-25

All India Quota PG Document List for students taking admission in session 2024-25

One year Compulsory Rotating Medical Internship for vacant seats

One year Compulsory Rotating Medical Internship for vacant seats

पीजी छात्रों ने सीखा आदर्श क्लिनिकल प्रैक्टिस की बारीकियां

दरभंगा चिकित्सा महाविद्यालय में एनएमसी के निर्देशानुसार दो दिवसीय कार्यक्रम में पीजी छात्रों को आदर्श प्रैक्टिस का प्रशिक्षण दिया गया।

All India Quota UG Document List for students taking admission in session 2024-25

All India Quota UG Document List for students taking admission in session 2024-25 in Darbhanga Medical College Laheriasarai

Bihar Sate Quota UG Document List for students taking admission in Session 2024-25

Bihar Sate Quota UG Document List for students taking admission in Session 2024-25 in Darbhanga Medical College Laheriasarai

सुपरस्पेशलिटी ब्लॉक के गैस्ट्रोएंटरोलोजी विभाग में एंडोस्कोपी जांच की शुरुआत की गई

आज दिनांक 13.8.24 को डीएमसीएच सुपरस्पेशलिटी ब्लॉक के गैस्ट्रोएंटरोलोजी विभाग इनडोर में मरीजों का अंतरचिकित्सा उपलब्ध कराने के क्रम में एंडोस्कोपी जांच की शुरुआत की गई। विभाग के डॉ० शरद कुमार झा ने आज मेडिसिन विभाग में भर्ती दो मरीजों की एंडोस्कोपी की। मौके पर प्राचार्य डॉ०...

Medical Camp organized by PSM Department of Darbhanga medical College in Sonki Darbhanga

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